Wednesday 5 October 2016

List Of Outdated And Latest Android Operating Systems.

When you want to buy an android phone it is important to look out for the latest version of operating system with large internal memory storage. There are android phones with old operating operating system but at par in prices with the latest version. Try and Google the latest version,internal memory capacity and prices before you jet into a mobile shops so as not to be shortchanged by mobile phone sellers who may want to cheat their customers.
Below are outdated and latest android operating systems and versions.

1.Cupcakes-1.5. Outdated.

2.Donut-1.6. Outdated

3.Eclair-2.0. Outdated.

4.Froyo-2.2. Outdated.

5.Gingerbread-2.3. Outdated

6.Honeycomb-3.0 and 3.2. Outdated.

7.Ice-cream sandwich-4.0 and 4.4. Outdated.

8.Jellybean-4.1 to 4.3. Outdated.

Latest OS and versions

2.Lollypop-5.0 and 5.1.



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